Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Off to Jo-Burg

After a night there I was on a first-class plane ride to Johannesburg, South Africa. I was seated next to a man who works for the national Zambian electricity provider, the name of which escapes me presently… “Zesco” maybe….  Anyway, we had a great chat about the potentials of small-scale energy creation in rural Zambia and the options for moving to a more sustainable option and away from diesel powered generators. But like all things, it comes down to price. That is a bit of a tangent but I hope to discuss this with him more in the future, so I will keep you posted.

When landing in Jo-burg, I was taken to the hospital and told surgery was in a couple of hours. Apparently, it was pretty straight forward and Dr. Von Willich even gave me a nice 2.5-inch souvenir from South Africa. After a day of lying in bed with more tubes in my veins and trying to learn the subtle points of Cricket from my 70 year old roommate, I was discharged and have been recovering at a guest in Pretoria, South Africa for the past week or so.

I apologize that this first entry has really nothing to do with the fish farming program that sent me to Africa in the first place, but there you go. It is where I’m at currently and will try my best to keep you posted about the progress over the next couple of years.

All the best and take care of yourself!

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